Monday, July 2, 2012

Top 8 Reasons – Why CRM & ERP Implementation Fails?

Why CRM Implementation fails and How to succeed?

If you have failed to implement CRM or ERP in your organization in past, then it is good news. Because Failure is the pillar of Success. Let me assure you that you are not alone. Story is same for many other companies.

Here are the top 8 reasons...

1. Selecting the Right CRM Product:----- Any and every CRM / ERP can’t meet your requirement. So it is very important to select the right CRM product / platform based on your specific requirements.

2. Scalable Solution:---- We should select the product based on current requirements and need to consider the future requirements as well. So our CRM / ERP product should be scalable enough to meet our future requirements.

3. Selecting Right Implementation Partner:---- Right implementation partner is the most important factor. Implementation partner should guide you towards successful implementation following the best practices.

4. Lack of a clear-cut definition of CRM:--- You have to define your objective and Goal behind this implementation clearly.

5. Top Management Involvement:--- Remember CRM is a methodology of doing business. It is a business policy, business strategy supported by software. Active involvement of top management is must.

6. Implement in Phases:---- Define your requirements and priorities. Implement accordingly in phases.

7. Adoption:--- User adoption is the most critical part for successful implementation. Continuous reviews with users are important to drive adoption.

8. Simple Solution:--- CRM should be simple and easy to use to increase user adoption.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Career Wisdom in 6 words

Found on the net. Copyright is theirs, as and when it is protected. God Bless Internet.