Thursday, February 26, 2009

All about presentation/speech

This is a nice article which would help any manager, to deliver a better presentation/speech!

Comment, on various other options. Thanks.

1 comment:

Ramesh said...

Backtracking the core business Supply chain of a manf. unit, Customer experience is always driven by the attributes of the actual product along with... see more the way the product is rendered, Classic example of a product is the cake and "the way" is the toppings laid onto it, on one hand perception of the actual product is an objective feeling couted by the features while the way it is rendered is the subjective. Drawing the parallel, in manufacturing unit, the definition of the product manufacturing is hardwired and standardised at optimum level,consider 1000 iphones look the same, SOA has minimal role to play here, you can consider Lean principles of more importance here... Way the product is rendered corresponds to the process governing the rendering of the product, while manufacturing of the product is departmentalised into specialised units, but rendering requires seemless communication and knowledge of all units to come up customised touch-points for customers. See how Zappos(shoe manufacturer) works. SOA means Agility, Knowldege of working units and Seemless communication. for technical implementation, Tibco, IBM, Oracle provides further reading