Thursday, April 9, 2009

Twelve traits of Superstar PMs (c) Roger Parish

Recently I found these valuable inputs on Linkedin from Roger Parish

The twelve traits I've observed include the following:
1. Superstars are open to new ideas.
2. Superstars share their knowledge and experience with others.
3. Superstars read incessantly, especially books that are positive and from which they can learn.
4. Superstars have a solid set of values, are emotionally stable, and exercise objectivity and fairness in their judgments and decision making.
5. Superstars have a clear vision of the future and are highly focused.
6. Superstars have high self-esteem.
7. Superstars are "fault-tolerant."
8. Superstars make themselves easily accessible.
9. Superstars eliminate fear from the workplace.
10. Superstars use recognition and recognition programs with great skill.
11. Superstars realize that they live in a "fish bowl" and gauge their conduct accordingly.
12. Superstars inspire "average" people to give their best effort to the team, and elevate their collective performance such that, as a team, they perform at the Superstar level.

I realize that these are traits more than they are competencies. I also have lists of leader competencies within various competency groupings. Truly effective leaders must have varying degrees of knowledge/proficiency in quite a number of knowledge domains. Likewise, their ability to execute (skills put into practice as competencies) covers quite a range. Some of these are leadership-focused. Others are simply knowledge domains with which the leader must have some level of knowledge/proficiency. Thus, I do courses on both leadership and non-leadership executive/manager development topics.

There is an expanded list of points that go with each one of the traits above that are part of the leadership training I put on. My contact information is below. I look forward to conversing with you further.

Roger Parish, PMP, President
Spectrum Consulting Group, LLC
(503) 642-5165 (office)

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